Thursday, July 9, 2020

2014 College Essay Prompts

2014 College Essay Prompts August 26 Weve got some 2014 college essay prompts to share with our readers. Curious to know what some of the 2014 college essay prompts are? Wonder no more because weve got some for you. Pomona College asks, What does freedom mean to you? We happen to think thats a very cool question. And how about West Points question?: Why will you be successful in working with leaders, peers, and subordinates of a gender, color, ethnicity, and/or religion different from your own?† It would have been nice if they had included sexual orientation, too, of course now that Dont Ask Dont Tell is an anachronism. Barnard asks, Pick one woman in history or fiction to converse with for an hour and explain your choice. What would  you talk about? Thats an essay a student can have a whole lot of fun with! Johns Hopkins asks: Johns Hopkins University was founded in 1876 on a spirit of exploration and discovery. As a result, students can pursue a multi-dimensional undergraduate experience both in and outside of the classroom. Given the opportunities at Hopkins, please discuss your current interests—academic or extracurricular pursuits, personal passions, summer experiences, etc.—and how you will build upon them here. Thats a Why You Want to Go to Johns Hopkins admissions essay. Lehigh University asks: What is your favorite riddle and why? Princeton asks: Tell us about a person who has influenced you in a significant way. A Tufts question reads: From Michelangelo to Mother Theresa, from Jackie Robinson to Elizabeth Bennett, the human narrative is populated by a cast of fascinating characters, real and imagined. Share your favorite and explain why that person or character inspires you. One can have a whole lot of fun with that question, too. And Williams asks: Imagine yourself in a tutorial at Williams. Of anyone in the world, whom would you choose to be the other student in the class, and why? Thats quite a fun one as well. Well share some more college essay prompts for the 2014-2015 admissions cycle in the weeks ahead. Its high  time to write your college essays!

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