Thursday, October 3, 2019

Rizals life Essay Example for Free

Rizals life Essay Home, church, and school are the three important pillars that shaped Rizal’s identity as the voice and prophet of the Filipino people and his advocacy that unity equates to prosperity. b. Summary Rizal’s identity was shaped in his home, at school and at the church. These institutions gave long-lasting impression and influence to him. Rizal’s mother helped him to read, write, and express his emotions through poetry. The school at Binan gave Rizal his first formal schooling, shaped his character, and formed his habits. The church, on the other hand, shaped Rizal’s philosophy of life, moral philosophy, question of choice and manner of ethics. All these three institutions are the core to Rizal’s advocacy that unity is the strongest link that binds people together in building a great nation. Rizal is the dominant voice in our history not only because of the things said above but also because he was the first to put his own advice into practice. Because of his preference to choosing the ethical side of life over his personal freedom, he had to face the firing squad at the Luneta. c. Reactions or Comments The article, for me, brings out the nationalist inside of me. It makes me want to do more for my country and for my countrymen. It also made me realize that Rizal’s life was also a tough life for him to go through. My eyes were gradually opened to the fact that Rizal was just like any Filipino child, but I guess his only difference from other Filipino children is that he lived every lessons and insights that he had learned from his parents, from his school, and from their church. He chose the ethical side of life over his freedom. He had given so many advices to his fellow Filipinos because, I think, he believed that his countrymen will be able to live those things. He always gave emphasis on unity in most of his works because he firmly believes that unity is the most important factor in saving people from foreign disturbances and in facing any national problem. A statement of Rizal was cited on the article by the author. The statement goes, â€Å"Law knows no color of skin, nor does reason differentiate between nostrils. † I think what Rizal is trying to say here is that we shouldn’t be ashamed of who we are or what we have or how we look because everything is equal in the eyes of justice. We should fight for our freedom because it is in freedom that the people are led to security and prosperity. Indeed, the content of the article really had an impact on me. The article was nicely done and was easy to understand. Because of this article, I finally realized that Rizal’s works and thoughts are not only for his time but also for ours.

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