Monday, December 30, 2019

What Is the Deadliest Insect on Earth

Though the vast majority of insects do us no harm, and, in fact, make our lives better, a few insects exist that can kill us. Which is the deadliest insect on Earth?   You may be thinking of  killer bees  or maybe African ants or Japanese hornets. While all of these are certainly dangerous insects, the deadliest is none other than the mosquito. Mosquitoes alone cant do us much harm, but as disease carriers, these insects are downright lethal. Malaria Mosquitoes Cause More Than 1 Million Deaths per Year Infected Anopheles mosquitoes carry a parasite in the genus Plasmodium, the cause of the deadly disease malaria. That is why this species is also known as the malaria mosquito though you might also hear them called the marsh mosquito. The parasite reproduces within the mosquitos body. When female mosquitoes bite humans to feed on their blood, the parasite is transferred to the human host. As vectors of malaria, mosquitoes indirectly cause the deaths of almost one million people each year. According to the World Health Organization, about 212 million people suffered from the debilitating disease in 2015. Half the worlds population lives at risk of contracting malaria, particularly in Africa where 90 percent of the worlds malaria cases occur. Young children under the age of five are in the most danger. Its estimated 303,000 children died of malaria in 2015 alone. That is one child every minute, an improvement of one every 30 seconds in 2008. Yet, in recent years, malaria cases have declined thanks to a number of intervention methods. This includes the use of insecticides on mosquito nets and indoor spraying in the areas that are most affected by malaria. There has also been a significant increase in artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs), which are very effective in treating malaria. Mosquitoes That Carry Other Diseases Zika has quickly become the latest worry among mosquito-caused diseases. Though deaths in those affected with the Zika virus are rare and often the result of other health complications, its interesting to note that other species of mosquito are responsible for carrying it. Aedes  aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes are the carriers of this virus. They are voracious daytime feeders, which may be why so many people were infected so quickly when the outbreak really took hold in South America during 2014 and 2015. While malaria and Zika are carried by select species of mosquitoes, other diseases are not as specialized. For instance, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has listed over 60 species that can transmit the West Nile virus. The organization also notes that Aedes and Haemogugus species are responsible for most yellow fever cases. In short, mosquitoes are not merely pests that cause nasty red bumps on your skin. They have the potential cause a serious illness that can lead to death, making them the deadliest insect in the world.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Minister s Black Veil - 949 Words

The Minister’s Black Veil The Minister’s Black Veil is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne, published in 1836. In this short story, Minister Mr. Hooper shows up one day at church wearing a black veil on his face. This black veil covers his face except his mouth and chin. The people of the town Milford begin to speculate on why Mr. Hooper wears this veil, whether he has been inflicted by an illness or if he is hiding a secret. When he refuses to remove the veil or tell the townspeople why he wears it, they become frightened of the Minister but also slightly intrigued. The children who use to run up to him now run and cower behind their mothers. Many people avoid conversations with him. However, the church becomes more packed every Sunday. People come all over just to gaze at Mr. Hooper, to see his veil. More people convert to his religion, saying, â€Å"QUOTE FROM BOOK PAGE 643*†. Although some people shun Mr. Hooper for being so public about his sins and secrets, others feel that this black vei l that Mr. Hooper wears really helps them be better people, better Christians, knowing that everyone sins and that it is okay, as long as you do not hide it, and except it as human nature. Mr. Hooper wears the black veil from that day on. He dies wearing this black veil, never removing it or showing his face to anyone. The Minister’s Black Veil is one of many stories written by Nathaniel Hawthorne that symbolizes sin in a very public way. Many of Hawthorne’s stories are very dominated byShow MoreRelatedThe Minister s Black Veil1211 Words   |  5 PagesThe Story The Minister’s Black Veil is very interesting in many different ways, it catches the reader s attention. It uses American Romanticism, that is an interesting thing to use in a story to catch the reader s attention. What that is, is to elevate the imagination over reason. today Edgar Allen Poe remains popular for his hunting poems and suspenseful stories. American Romantic writers differ than the European romanticism writers. Declaration of Independence used a lot of American romanticismRead MoreThe Minister s Black Veil1212 Words   |  5 PagesThe Story The Minister s Black Veil is very interesting in many different ways, it catches the reader s attention. It uses American Romanticism, that is an interesting thing to use in a story to catch the reader s attention. What that is, is to elevate the imagination over reason. today Edgar Allen Poe r emains popular for his hunting poems and suspenseful stories. American Romantic writers differ than the European romanticism writers. Declaration of Independence used a lot of American romanticismRead MoreThe Minister s Black Veil1004 Words   |  5 PagesThe Minister s Black veil is a Romanticism. A romanticism is a movement in the art which sprung during the eighteenth and nineteenth century.Romantic is used to describe literature. It is defined as a depicting emotional matter in an imaginative form. As well as the imagination and emotion and the freedom embraced are all focus points of romanticism. Characteristics Of this literature piece would include subjectivity and an emphasis on individualism. Solitary life rather than life in society. TheRead MoreThe Minister s Black Veil1194 Words   |  5 PagesThe captivating short story The Minister’s Black Veil by Nathaniel Hawthorne focuses on the idea of Secret Sin with the use of the analogy within Parson Hooper’s B lack veil. This short story began with Mr.Hooper walking into his puritan church, known as Milford, having a black veil over his eyes. With a perplexed audience, Mr. Hooper gives a powerful sermon about the idea of secret sin. Mr. Hooper states how everyone has a secret sin that people aren’t aware of but this secret sin is only visibleRead MoreThe Minister s Black Veil1958 Words   |  8 PagesThe Minister s Black Veil Every individual commits sin but only the ones who are truly God-fearing and brave accept and pay the consequences of his or her actions. In some situations, when a person does own up to his or her sin and suffers the punishment for it, instead of being forgiven, the surrounding society will loathe him or her. In the years back, Puritans expected their ministers to be of the holiest human beings. A minister was envisioned to be someone who does not commit sin as often asRead MoreThe Minister s Black Veil1775 Words   |  8 PagesThe Minister s Black Veil No one is perfect because everyone commits sin. However, there are people in the world who develop hatred towards others for committing mistakes when they themselves have done wrong. In the Puritan society many years ago, Puritans expected their minister to be a very holy human being. A minister was envisioned to be someone who will be a guiding hand for people who have lost their way and who will stand as a role model for others to look up to. If a minister was suspectedRead MoreThe Minister s Black Veil1391 Words   |  6 Pageswell as awe. In, â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil,† by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the emotions of horror, terror, and awe are drawn upon throughout the story, which follows the events and reactions of the citizens of a village after their resident minister suddenly starts to wear a black veil, which invokes discomfort and fear into the people. As with many of his stories, Hawthorne developed â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil† around a sym bol, which in this case is the veil. The veil represents that even the people thatRead MoreThe Minister s Black Veil1771 Words   |  8 Pages 1. Intro/Thesis statement: Mr. Hawthorne’s works of fiction â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil,† â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† and THE SCARLET LETTER contributed discussion amongst people. It planted questions in our heads about what humanities’ sinful nature means and how it is perceived. These literature pieces are all connected because of their theme being about secret sin. This is because we all yearn for things that are wrong, that could even be considered immoral. People don’t read these literature piecesRead MoreThe Minister s Black Veil1654 Words   |  7 Pagesstory titled â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil.† This story takes place in the town of Milford, just southwest of Boston, at a church on the Sabbath day. The parson of the church, Reverend Hooper, leaves his house and walks toward the porch of the meeting house wearing a black veil that conceals his entire face except for his mouth and chin. The entire congregation i s immediately in a stir, astonished and appalled by this mysterious veil. Nobody knows why Hooper has this veil on his face or what it meansRead MoreThe Minister s Black Veil1128 Words   |  5 PagesIn the story â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil,† American Romanticism characteristics are very typical in this story in many different ways. What is American Romanticism you make ask? Well, American Romanticism is â€Å"a movement of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that marked the reaction in literature, philosophy, art, religion, and politics from the neoclassicism and formal orthodoxy of the preceding period.† An example from the story of American Romanticism is, â€Å"And when she suggests that members

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Autobiographical Fiction Free Essays

In the beginning the official said, let the stadium lights come on, and they came on. The football players came onto the field, and they saw the light was good. Other teams started to show up and practice on the battle ground, otherwise known as the â€Å"playing field. We will write a custom essay sample on Autobiographical Fiction or any similar topic only for you Order Now † Fans shouted, and cheerleaders went on about their playful acts. Parents, brothers, sisters, and close friends all piled into the stands to see the game of the year. The official stepped out onto the moist grass at Manchester United Stadium in Manchester, England. The time was 7. 45pm on a Saturday night. He paused for a moment, looked at his stopwatch, and blew his whistle. Gigantic muscular men came from out of nowhere as the fans began to cheer, waving various flags, scarfs and t-shirts The players ran out to the middle of the stadium. A feel of hatred and resentment came about in the air. The crowd came unglued from their seats. The sounds of various noisemakers filled the air once again. Parents and grandparents alike came to their feet in the stands. Cars stopped on the street in front of the stadium, as they honked their horns, and cheered for their team of choice. As the two burly men stood in the middle of the field, many thoughts ran through their heads. They both knew someone was going to lose, but defeat was out of the question. The official tossed a silver coin into the air. The coin hit the wet grass with a shiny face of Queen Elizabeth clearly showing. The home team will kick off. Both anger infested players shook hands and ran back to their half. The fans began to cheer as the players took the field again. Little did the fans know of how the players practiced all week long. Burnage had a very intense practice, while Didsbury slacked off, and took an easy week, since their opponent was not that good of a team. The kick-off approached for both teams, almost instantaneously. Memories of past football games, and practices were rushing through our heads. The time clock read 8:00pm. Suddenly, a whistle blew, and the brown bundle of pigskin went flying into the air. Running to the ball, one of the Burnage players quickly got the football, stepped left, then to the right as he attempted to get past the opponents. Soon after, the player was tackled down by a pack of Didsbury players, and the referee gave the ball to one of the Burnage players. I had been waiting for this moment all of my life. The match of the year in Manchester was about to begin. Burnage have lost 14 years straight to Didsbury. Managers only daydreamed of beating the undefeated Didsbury team. As referee called for the play, I smiled with joy. The first play of the game was to me. I played at the defence, so I was going to run the ball. First play, up the middle of the field, I ran for a fifteen yard gain. The next play was to one of my fellow team mates, which he also ran for another large gain of 26 yards. I could not believe my eyes. After all these years, the game was finally here. We, as a team, were slowly tearing apart the Didsbury defence. Our offence was dominating the ball, and they could not stop our players. After 20 minutes Burnage took the lead to make the score 1-0. Straight after the lead it came as a shock to our team. We were starting to get tired, and make little mistakes that cost us to let Didsbury have a free kick. One of our defenders was not defending in the right place, and that lead to one of the didsbury player to strike the ball in an uncovered area to score a goal. We all hung our heads as Didsbury celebrated their goal, and taunted our players. As we approached to our half of the field, the manager had a few words of his own to share with our team. â€Å"Listen up here boys, it ain’t over yet. If you give up now, you are going to lose. That is the sport of football. If you give up, you lose. † I was not going to let my 4 years of previous football experience go to waste, just because I was tired. We as a team knew our manager was serious, as a tiny tear drop formed in the corner of his eye. Half time came about, as we all headed to the locker room for a sip of cool water, and a long speech was made by the managers. To my surprise, our manager was very calm with us as he drew out plays with piece of white chalk on the board. The manager mainly concentrated on how to overcome the Didsbury defence. As I sat there in the locker room, I knew what I had to do. I knew that the team was depending on my skills. Visions of victory ran through my head. I visualized the opponent as a measly bowling pin, and myself as the bowling ball. My imagination started to run wild. As I felt the adrenaline running through my veins, my body started to tremble with anger. I thought to myself, â€Å"They really do think we can’t win, and I have to prove them wrong. † The half time is over and the players stroll on to the battle ground with a feeling of fierce hatred. With anger and rage in my eyes, I was ready. I was a true lean, mean, defending machine. Nothing was going to get in my way. My head steamed a white smoke. The weather slowly began to get colder a cold front moved in. The sky, covered with clouds, grumbled at us as we called our plays, and ran them. Just 30 minutes were now left on the clock; both teams were overcome with fatigue. The score remained at 1-1 The weather began to get cold, and small droplets of water started to fall from the ocean like sky. I felt the nervousness of the crowd, as the clanging of the cow bells from the crowd came to a halt. Managers paced back and forth, as we headed into the last 15 minutes. Each team got two possessions on offense. Neither team had the strength to penetrate the defence. Now only 3 minutes remained on the time clock. The weather took over the game, pouring down with rain from the black sky. All the players stopped to visualize whether play will continue or not. The play wasn’t called off in the huddle so the players engaged into the game again. The play consisted of me running to the right, and the left-back defender was going to toss the ball to me. As I took off to the right side of the field, I suddenly felt a burst of energy. My bones felt relaxed, and my muscles replenished. The left back defender tossed me the ball, and I ran frantically down the playing field strolling through the Didsbury defence. I couldn’t believe my eyes, as I viewed the target made for me to run through. Fifteen yards down the field, I met up with one of my old friends who was Didsbury’s centre back defender and my opponent. He slipped and fell in his attempt to tackle me. The perfect opportunity had come to strike the ball in to the net. So I did and scored! I smiled with joy. The crowd went wild, popcorn spilled onto the wet ground. Cow bells once again sounded as the raindrops still poured down. I will never forget that moment of my life. Shortly after, the referee blew the final whistle. Burnage went on to beat Didsbury! I could see it now on the front page of the town news paper: â€Å"Burnage demolishes Disbury for the first time in 14 years! † We finally beat the best team in the city. As we celebrated, and jumped around on the soggy grass, a tear came to my eye. It was all hitting me now. I finally achieved the goal of my life! I could not control the tremendous smirk on my face. As I watched the manager from the opposing team cry in agony, I thought to myself, â€Å"That must be what they call the agony of defeat. † I knew that the moment of my life I had long waited for, was gone. Only memories are left in my mind, and I cherish every single one of them. How to cite Autobiographical Fiction, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Free Sample Personal Leadership Action Plan

Question: Write an essay on Personal leadership action plan. Answer: Personal leadership action plan The essay represents the personal action development plan and an overview of career aspects. The personal action development plan that considers my career journey, future career aspirations and the action plan that describes in detail regarding my strengths and weaknesses in the career development are mentioned in detail. Professional skills and lifelong learning objective matter in career development as far as current skills and the required future skills do matter at this end (zarraga bonache, 2003). The essay identifies the future goals and the current skills with recent activities that were carried out by determining the leadership style approach. Career prospectives and career journey till date The leadership approach that i developed gradually in my teenage was a remarkable journey till date, as it describes the achievements that i made in my career. With guidance of john, who had a small business that flourished about recruitment consultancies, he tried to guide in each possible way to clearly determine how recruitments and selection takes place in an organization (johansen, 2009). This was a career move that made an improvement in my overall skills in beginning. I was working with some data entry firm that made my skills, sharpen in computers and as per this, it became a necessity in the recruitment consultancy firm where i worked with john. It was a long period since i was working with him because each thing that i learned had to be implemented in a realistic approach. My skills and knowledge were getting clearer about the business perspectives at teenage (neal, boatman miller, 2013). This was my biggest achievement as far as considered. The total years i spent with john in the recruitment consultancy name avion was around 4 years. John at every stage made me understand about my duties and responsibilities towards the firm and provided me with the insight for the business operations that needed a larger market in the human resource management department. The wide range of activities flourished as i began to understand things in a proper manner (nussbaum, 2003). The leadership skills and the communication skills had an over overall impact that was a positive business journey. My leader has encouraged me in every way as more about the human resource department and the concerned activities play a drastic role in business (zenger, folkman edinger, 2011). Selecting the right candidate for the right job is essential for development of an organization and this is actually done by adopting ska that are skills, knowledge and abilities of the candidates. The employer gives and advertisement regarding the job opportunities and candidates accordingly apply for these jobs. I advertise about jobs and the business opportunities for the successful growth as an individual and even for my company. These operations were undertaken by me and has encouraged me by dealing with these types of activities and i eagerly learnt from a small firm (mitchell, ray van ark, 2014). Then i got a stage that helped and encouraged me to build a positive career, the tactics have been learnt by me from the activities of a small consultancy firm. But, i wanted to become a leader and a business icon with my own recognition, so finally i decided to work on the project that has the same range of activities (kouzes posner, 2003). The things i have learnt from the consultancy now apply in my business of recruitment that i started as a small business with leadership skills and communication skills at the age of 25. Then, i got to know about the different skills that was helpful for me to manage my clients and the candidates at the same time (mitchell, ray van ark, 2014). The financial break that was introduced here was regarding the investment upon the career, but it seemed that my leadership skills proved to be efficient and successful at this end. The journey that i started from a data entry firm, now leads to an entrepreneur at this age. In a successful business, education, skills and experience play a vital role and this proved in my career life that i had managed to work for this business efficiently and effectively with the best possible resources that are optimally used in my firm (wagner, 2006). There were a range of options that were provided to me, but i had a passion about managing people at work and handling the human resource with its different departments. My interest made me to choose this career for the future perspectives that are very importantly considered. Variety of skills are mainly required in the business with a different perspective. The decision was a perfect move that i made in my career and this seems to be an interesting career path that brought me back in australia. I was recognized among the recruitment consultancies and made a move by achieving the competitive advantage. Various projects gradually succeeded and slowly the things changed over some years. There were some complexities that i observed as per the experience. Business strategies and corporate strategies were met by me with my partners who helped me to form the recruitment consultancies (hurley, 2012). This made a likely good experience as and when the ethical strategies were used in the market. The recruitment consultancy hired candidates from australia and even out of the country. Then it was international strategy used for the recruitment purpose. Candidates all over the world were approached with the recruiting websites that made a difference of point in the business. As an entrepreneur, i tried to move to the next step and i began to conceive about what has to be done for business development team. More than 100 team members in the company were the target that i had planned while strategic planning was again a boon for me. The strategic planning, innovation and the leadership skills were the most wanted skills that i needed in my department. Apart from this, creativity and innovation were observed, as a leader of a team i gradually focused on meetings and planning for the human resources that needed a developmental program for improving their skills. Higher studies made an impact over my career that had boosted me up with my skills and passion i have for opting my caree r path. It seems, according to my experience that i was born a leader and still there is long way to go further while action plans and my strengths and weakness will help me to overcome my difficulties and at the same time assist me for future opportunities. Future career aspirations As this was a medium scale company that i started at an early age, i waited for a better opportunity in my business. Then, i sold my previous business and brought up a new venture that gave me a satisfactory business opportunity. At this end, i started my next step of career with a greater exposure in my career growth as an hr manager (matson prusak, 2010). The future aspirations that are the enlightened result of the exposure which has given an additional opportunity for me and it has heavily reflected and made an influence in my perspectives that include the different courses and development programs. These have highly materialized my interest and has given a thought which originally gave me an idea when i was in completion for the postgraduate course. The strengths and weaknesses may be clearly identified as per the career pathways that highly motivated me to achieve my desired goals (kellerman, 2012). Next step of identifiaction of strengths and weaknesses before action plan Identifying the strengths and weakness may lead to a different pathway. Self-development essential and should be particularly concerned with a relative approach as such leadership skills have been supporting my career and team (busine, watt, wellins boatman, 2013). As part of the division of work that has been made by me in a critical manner, there are some negative and positive impacts that have influenced me to change my plan for a better future. Measuring my productivity has led to improvement in my skills and again in output of results as measured. Inducement has led to another concept of motivation which is going to get a real sense in employee engagement that i am working on (boatman wellins, 2011). Basically, individual motivation is very important in the hr approach and the motivational theories that are getting back have an imperative way to deal with the interests of brevity and again it may sometime restrict the literature of leadership skills and the action plans. For identification of both the strengths and the weaknesses, there are some tools and techniques which may help to recognize the productivity level and the acceptance level at the same time. There becomes necessary about diagnosing the components and the significant evidence which flourish in a positive relationship while making critical reflection (horowitz, 2006). My strengths and weaknesses have made me the person i work and this ultimately seems to be considered positive. While, these are some components and elements that cannot be easily identified, thus what makes clear about these things can be approached. Such as there are questionnaires that may reveal the real identity and prove some circumstance. The questionnaires were formulated from the internet and they were answered by me honestly to undertake these results (hewitt, 2014). Around 25 questions included in the questionnaire and they seem to be a feedback that have various steps that shall be taken by me. Improvements in many areas and reducing the level of negative impact may lead to a smooth career and help in career development opportunities. The result ultimately had a much favorable impact on me, since this had even some of the provisions that were set by me while deciding early career goals and objectives. Highlingting the main part that has to be improved by me was work culture that has to be changed and the organizational structure with the decision making process may be effective. Apart from these the threats of the business revealed about the competitors that i analyzed in accordingly. There was again a career orientation inventory that highlighted the autonomy and other features. The areas about leadership and consequently human resources were my strengths in the feedback form that resulted in a companys development plan (lencioni, 2002). Again the questionnaire was the most important part that motivated me to gradually move my next career step. The emotional intelligence was the given rating that has an average activity which even identified the 360 approach. The ei approach helped to strengthen the determined goal and constructed a different form of developing emotional intelligence approach (mccall, yost, mchenry, oconnor plunkett, 2014). The emotional intelligence plan is about finding a problem if there is any such, then analyzing the problem by gathering the required data again, what needs to be done for the problem is a very important part that will be discussed in the next action plan. Action plan Goals Action Completion date Measure of success Improving organizational culture so that it may be helpful to undertake broader activities in an organization. Reviewing current measures that are taken. Accept the latest techniques that update the employees 25th june 2016 Using the best method line or staff method for improvements. The decision making process has to be concentrated efficiently, which may change the formation of an organization Discussing with the senior level management for involving the employees in the team 15th july 2016 Receiving a feedback which may be accurate at some point Recognition and company image Employee engagement, developmental programs and employee motivation 20th june 2016 Experience and developmental opportunities may strike for success and employee involvement may gain the success at this end. Leadership approach and styles adopted Particularly, there are actions that may enhance the leadership approach in a consequent manner and this may help to develop an organization by implementing the employee involvement planning process 15th june 2016 It can create a positive effect to self development and help in competitive advantage References Aon hewitt (2014). Trends in global employee engagement. Referenced from https://www. Boatman, j., wellins, r.s. (2011). global leadership forecast 2011: time for a leadership revolution. Pittsburgh, pa: development dimensions international Busine, m., watt, b., wellins, r.s., boatman, j. (2013). driving workplace performance through high-quality conversations: what leaders must do every day to be effective. Pittsburgh, pa: development dimensions international. Horowitz, lisa b. (2006). leadership development: building your personal plan. Mcdermott, will and emory. Aba commission on women, (ppt) Hurley, r. F. 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(2014). the conference board ceo challenge 2014: people and performance. New york: the conference board. Mitchell, s., bolling, b., phang, n., schott, t. (2013). talent beyond borders: an organisational guide to delivering the promise of global talent management. Pittsburgh, pa: development dimensions international. Neal, s., boatman, j., miller, l. (2013). women as mentors: does she or doesnt she? A global study of businesswomen and mentoring. Pittsburgh, pa: development dimensions international. Nussbaum, barbara. (2003). african culture and ubuntu: reflections of a south african in america. World business academy perspectives, 2003, volume 17(1). Wagner, wendy.(2006). a social change model of leadership: a brief overview. Nclp concepts and connections. Vol 15 issue 1, 2006 Zarraga, c., bonache, j. (2003). The impact of team atmosphere on knowledge outcomes in self-managed teams. Organization studies, 26(5). Zenger, h., folkman, r. edinger, s., (2011)."making#yourself#indispensable."harvard"business" review,"2011."89(10):"p."84?84.